Services Graphics Designer For Free!

Hi, Im JUST getting into Xbox Gaming, and restarting my PC gaming channel. If you could make a logo for me that's like a circle instead of this square background I would be great full! And maybe just a simple background with an xbox controller and a mouse a keyboard. I like my current, but I want a fresh start and Im going to do more than minecraft now
Hey I love your work!
I will definitely give you a shoutout/some yttalk cash if you could make me one.
I want it to be a little darker (like my intro) with the channel name.
Hey man can I get a channel banner my channel name is WrestleRAWR its a wwe based channel so can I have it based on that pls colous blac and red
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Hey I would like a logo and channel art from you :) I want something more simple like you did for Seliux. If you can do this I will appreciate it a lot and will link your channel on mine! Thanks

Could you do my Channel art? Where you have artistic lead on whatever you feel would best suit my channel however could it use the colours green white and black (Jamaica colours) would defiantly shout you out in my next video and you could always leave your channel name in the artwork produced :D
Would you be able to make me a banner and avatar as well? I really like your first example of your banner and was wondering if you could do something like that for me but maybe make the games Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms, Skyrim, Spintires, and Elite Dangerous. My channel name is Safety Fist Games. ghost recon phantoms.jpg skyrim.jpg spintires truck.jpg Elite dangerous.jpg
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Hello there! I was wondering if you are still offering your services. I loved the sample Banners and Avatars! I would like to ask for both a Banner and an Avatar that are bluish, simplistic, easy to read and don't have "a lot of things going on". I have a Titanfall-Only themed channel so if you could make something around that then it would be even better! (The Banner could spell just "MrGeorge" while the Avatar just "MG")
Thanks in Advance!:D
Hi there, if you are still offering your services I would love to take you up on it! My channel is: ThatOneShow Though
For my Logo idea I would love the words:
In this order inside an old school looking tv.
Of course I will give you proper recognition and shout out to you on all of my social media!
Thank you! please take your time!
Hey, I was wondering if you were still doing Channel Art services? If so can you please message me on here, Twitter: @BarbMollyTV, or my message me for my business email. Thanks in advance!