Well-Known Member

I need some people to join in with Grand Theft Auto 5 videos that I'm planning to create, if you are interested, throw me a message!
What are we doing?
We will be doing multiple gamemodes on GTA 5 such as Deadline or basic races, we will also be doing freeroam stuff. We can decide when we are together.
How do I add you!?
Well, once you message me saying that you are interested then I'll give you my contact details like Skype and Discord. Either that or you give me your details and I add you.
I don't have criteria's for age, however, anyone under 11 I won't collab with, not because they are under 11 but because the things that are most likely going to happen won't be appropriate for you.
Subscriber count, I don't mind. We could all use help and support. Even if you have 0 subscribers.
You need at least 1 video uploaded on your channel, just so I can see how you work and what you edit and record like.
You need either Skype or Discord, I don't use any other communication stuff, teamspeak maybe

When will I get a response?
I'm at my computer often, so you should get one quickly.