GoPro Ideas?

I just used mine to make a short video of my freinds and I cliff diving at our local swimming whole. You could try that. Or you could try to take it to a water/amusment park!
I thought it'd be cool if you use it for an action scene. Like the first person of a FPS. Something like that. I have a 'GoPro', but it's a cheap remake, but I never really used it XD

I did see someone do this before and it came out very very good. I wish I remembered who it was or the video to show you but it came out so nice.
I have the exact same camera and I've made a few things with it. I filmed my run at this event called Color Me Rad where they throw powdered color on you while you run. I filmed it in 720p at 120 fps so I could slowthe video down when the color was thrown at me. I also used it in another run called Zombie Survivor where you have to run from zombies in a 5km obstacle course that video turned out pretty cool. I also took my GoPro to a concert to see what it would look like and if you use the waterproof housing it make for great concert videos and the audio is excellent. I've also used it when I went on a few fair rides. I want to go to an amusement park and film what it looks like on a rollercoaster and a few other rides too.
I have the exact same camera and I've made a few things with it. I filmed my run at this event called Color Me Rad where they throw powdered color on you while you run. I filmed it in 720p at 120 fps so I could slowthe video down when the color was thrown at me. I also used it in another run called Zombie Survivor where you have to run from zombies in a 5km obstacle course that video turned out pretty cool. I also took my GoPro to a concert to see what it would look like and if you use the waterproof housing it make for great concert videos and the audio is excellent. I've also used it when I went on a few fair rides. I want to go to an amusement park and film what it looks like on a rollercoaster and a few other rides too.

That's actually perfect that you replied because I am going to be taking the GoPro on a color run in October and I wanna get a shot where I can actually see myself running from the front. So what kind of mount did you use? Because I don't wanna use a chest mount to see other people in front of me. I was thinking either GoPole or Grenade Grip?
I used the chest mount. so it all filmed in the point of view form. But a simple way you could possibly cheat (you might want to test this out first) is if you're going with some friends get one of them to run in front of you and put the chest mount on them but backwards so they film you. If that's not an option the GoPole might work too but I've never used it. Check out my youtube channel for the video.
I used the chest mount. so it all filmed in the point of view form. But a simple way you could possibly cheat (you might want to test this out first) is if you're going with some friends get one of them to run in front of you and put the chest mount on them but backwards so they film you. If that's not an option the GoPole might work too but I've never used it. Check out my youtube channel for the video.

Yeah someone said the whole chestmount backwards idea but I'm sure my girlfriend wouldn't wanna run with it. We really wanna get shots of us running together yaknow? Idk, maybe I'll try the grenade grip and hope for the best haha
Yeah someone said the whole chestmount backwards idea but I'm sure my girlfriend wouldn't wanna run with it. We really wanna get shots of us running together yaknow? Idk, maybe I'll try the grenade grip and hope for the best haha

let me know once you've got it up I want to see it.