Good Promotion thought

Yeah I tend to agree, new channels need some way of getting recognised. These days the only way people make it big is if a big youtuber sees you and likes you, and makes a point of saying so, or getting featured on the homepage. Both of which are rarely achieved by most.
I honestly don't think there is a 'sure fire way' of getting on YouTube these days. It's mostly luck and perseverance. Yes what Panaramanwa
Yeah I tend to agree, new channels need some way of getting recognised. These days the only way people make it big is if a big youtuber sees you and likes you, and makes a point of saying so, or getting featured on the homepage. Both of which are rarely achieved by most
said is the most common way but I honestly think you work hard and post often you will gain a small audience and will gradually grow. I have a few friends who have thousands of subscribers and 100s of videos and they're no partners yet.
I think partnership these days are more about 'branding'. It's more how they can expose you to the public and get views and ad's. If you look at some of the most popular YouTubers you see that they have ad promotion videos, or videos where their at a con either promoting or interviewing people at the con. sXePhil is currently being sponsored by Ford to go to CES and Tobuscus vlog channel has tons of videos about him doing promotions for products.
Now I'm not saying everything is about promotion on YouTube but its a major factor in their decision for their partner program. I think the best way to promote yourself is on social networks, facebook, myspace, forums, tumblr, wordpress, ect.
Yeah social networking sites are great, that's how I got my audience to start with. On the first video I posted I got over 400 views purely because of facebook. :P
See I think what I need to do is find videos that I could expand on. Something really popular that asks a question or is a subject matter I could do a video on, and then post video responses on big channels. I think it would not be considered spam as long as my responses were relevant to the original video. That's kind of what I'm starting to think I need to do.