Good?! Or Bad?! - thoughts on this Dubai Abu Dhabi Vlog Channel


Hi guys! I've been making vlogs for around 3 years now on my vlog channel - subscribers are increasing slowly (around 16'000 now) but I'm keen to know thoughts from any of you that would like to give some feedback on what you think of the channel. Likes, dislikes and suggestions!
Very cool, shades, money, personal grooming on point. Oddly enough exactly what I expected when I read Abu Dabai. So are good at what you do.

I don't really have too much time to delve into your channel, I am watching you unbox a playstation 4 at the moment.

I just wanted to say that I have heard a lot of travelers say that Abu Dabai is a pretty souless place, where everything is about money and scope. I think it would be interesting for a resident to show that thats wrong, and show the soul of the city if it exists. I don't really know much about the place myself but that what I hear.

Just a thought, it might not suit your channel very much.