Good games for Lets plays on the pc?

There aren't many MegaMan let's plays. If you're interested in playing MegaMan games then I strongly recommend doing Megaman Let's Plays.
when youve played minecraft for 2 years and played the console version for over 100 hours it does get boring.
I have been playing for 2 years. I own my own server and met a lot of friends who I continue to play with daily.
It is fun! But nobody really watches smaller channels play Minecraft on Youtube. If you want to do it for fun, then by all means go ahead.
That is true, but everything i do on youtube is for myself and not for views. so at the end of the day, its about making content you enjoy right? :)
That is true, but everything i do on youtube is for myself and not for views. so at the end of the day, its about making content you enjoy right? :)
I mentioned that in the last sentence. I assumed that since he was asking for games to play he at least wanted a small return of viewers.
I think stuff with customization works well. Civ 5. Elder Scrolls. Tropico. XCOM. Fallout. Just to name a few. Essentially, games like that give you the power to play the game very uniquely. It's hard for two runs to be the same, thus adding incentive for people to seek out. If you play a game that goes from point a to point b without much of a change, its attraction suffers when it comes to searches.