Go Away AwesomenessTV no one likes you >:(

Me too!!! I hate that we can't swatch-up the recommended list. I mean, what if it recommends some type of profane channel or a channel that goes against my views... :mad:
Not everyone sees what you see in recommended channels. It will depend on the types of videos they watch or search for.
Yep, I know. I was just referring to it recommending things for me. On the Main page feed, you can "delete" recommended videos (I disabled "history" so I don't deal with it anymore). However, with the recommended channels on the side, you can't delete it.
I was on my gaming channel, when I look over and see AwesomenessTV in my recommended channels.

Also, PervertPete, who is a YTTalk member was on the list.. so that's cool :)

I've seen AwesomenessTV around. Didn't know how good they were. Luckily, I read this thread. Thanks for making it, KGA!
They are being hated all the way to the bank, grabbing all those small YouTubers pennies and never having to pay them because they won't meet the threshold before their contracts up. Whoever came up with that business model is a evil genius.
They are being hated all the way to the bank, grabbing all those small YouTubers pennies and never having to pay them because they won't meet the threshold before their contracts up. Whoever came up with that business model is a evil genius.

Not really a genius if his evil scheme gets found out eventually. ^^
Man... people like that disgust me.

Well, I admire the fact that he has enough bells (or, is desperate enough) to go through with a scheme like that. ^^ Although, it's not worth all the trouble once people find out how unprofessional AwesomeTV is, and then comes the *drum roll* down falllll. :x