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Try a flatland made out of TNT then >Haha I've made a world of sand, and let it all fall. It looked really cool but killed my fps.

Try a flatland made out of TNT then >Haha I've made a world of sand, and let it all fall. It looked really cool but killed my fps.
Haha okay. I'll have to do that xDTry a flatland made out of TNT then >...Infinite TNT
AddedBuild some sort of house or structure at the highest build height of the world.
Here's the first episode: /watch?v=sSue2GYkqnYyay can you link me in it thanks. Also send me the video when you do it and i will watch it
Hahah thats alright, just do it next time ayHere's the first episode: /watch?v=sSue2GYkqnY
I sorta forgot about the challenge to find diamonds in 10 minutes lmao.