Give feedback on my channel?


Checkout my channel? I'd like some feedback on how it looks and anything that I can fix.
Channel down below.


Hey there. I'd suggest changing your channel trailer. It is five years old so I don't think it would hurt to change it. Also (maybe just me) your thumbnails seem to be super dark and I couldn't really see whats going on in some of them. Also it did look like some were 720p and not 1080p. This could be a big factor in people clicking the video because everyone is use to 1080p, 60 fps. But your views aren't bad at all for less than 300 subs. Keep up the good work and I hope I could help :)
Hey again Mellish! Yeah the channel trailer is very old lol. I do plan to update that soon, also hmm the thumbnails they look lighter to me but I'll keep that in mind. The video quality yeah I figured out what happened so I'll fix that thank you. Appreciate the feedback Mellish!
Hey again Mellish! Yeah the channel trailer is very old lol. I do plan to update that soon, also hmm the thumbnails they look lighter to me but I'll keep that in mind. The video quality yeah I figured out what happened so I'll fix that thank you. Appreciate the feedback Mellish!
no problem at all
Ill keep it short and to bullet points only

- Intro is too sporadic. I saw "the2012" not "theSoi2" because it was moving around too much
- You are not very consistent with uploads so subscribers dont know when to expect a video so less likely to stick around
- The latest video is a step in the right direction. Just some of the game audio is too loud and drown out the mics. Some in game tinkering may be needed
- Logo looks a bit weird. Try experimenting with things in some editors and try to avoid text based logos.
- Banner needs some work, the bottom of Soi is being cut off.

Other than that, wait untill you have a good collection of recent videos for anyone to give you a good review. Anything that is too old is not really relevant as you will have changed.
I can see what you mean about the intro! The intro was only because of an inside joke one of my friends made. I agree with the consistency, that's my fault, I'm hoping to change that down the road. Yeah someone told me about the game audio, I'll have to take a look into that. I'm not sure what to do with my logo since I'm not an artist/good at doing graphic design but I'll see what I can do. Is the bottom getting cut off? I checked it just now on my devices and it looks fine.