Gimme Gimme.

Impossible to read CAPTCHA with no refresh or audio option. Those are the codes you have to enter when signing up for a website to make sure you're not a computer. I went through and signed up to 20 something sites today and dealt with half a dozen that had impossible to read CAPTCHA and a couple had no refresh buttons. I was ready to throw my computer.

Use a few screenshots like the one below to cut into when mentioning the topic and let the rant begin.


This website wants you to work for it baby!!!


wtf?!? now I gotta refresh the page and re-enter everything!

The fact that there are options 100x simpler that would save the website time and not p**s off the new members are readily available. Such as a simple question that ask which word does not belong: Blue, Peter, Red, Green.

IMO any rant with a solution to the problem is even better :D