Get More Comments with a Guessing Game!


Well-Known Member
The comment section on many of my videos has been rather sparse, so I came up with an idea where viewers are encouraged to participate in the comments. During the beginning of my most recent video, I set up a scenario, then about midway through the video, I asked viewers to pause the video and GUESS the outcome in the comments. I set it up where the comment could be as simple as a number, or they could guess more specific details. What made this extra fun is that I also guessed (in the video) and did not know the outcome until the video was over. So far participation has been good, and nobody has posted any "spoilers" in the comments (yet).
This works. In fact, imagine a simple website who's purpose was just this? That is, structuring the flow of web pages such that the user had to "guess" what the outcome was via a click of a button.

Do you plan on removing spoiler comments? :-D
This works. In fact, imagine a simple website who's purpose was just this? That is, structuring the flow of web pages such that the user had to "guess" what the outcome was via a click of a button.

Do you plan on removing spoiler comments? :-D
I probably won't remove spoiler comments. Nobody has completely spoiled it completely. There has been a partial spoiler comment that I allowed.