Gamers Getting WAY to Desperate!

Well, I've found those that do act this way don't tend to stick around for long. Just have patience, you don't have to try and force that sub count up by subbing to others and hoping they do it back..thats not why you can subscribe to people.
True, True, I've got a fair few subs, and this means normally smaller channel like to ask me for a 'sub4sub' but i know their subs won't be active on MY Channel however if they like my content and I like theirs, sure!
Oh meh gersh guys!!!

I KNOW for a fact that many people do this on YTtalk, so sorry if I offend you, well... Actually quoting Pearls old avatar, deal with it.

Seriously, SO many gaming channels are like "Oh my gosh, your channel is great, I subbed to you, mind subbing back?" NO! If I want to sub to you I'll sub to you, just because you subbed me, why does that make me obligated to sub back?

A lot of the time I will NOT sub to them just because they said that, because when they say that, they instantly lose my respect, its ok if there like, "Check out my channel" Because then I'll be like, sure bro. I think I owe you a lookzees because you subscribed to me, a lot of the time they do have good content so I will subscribe. But this whole out of the blue sub4sub thing needs to stop. And 80% of the time the people who say that ARE gaming channel, because when you have a gaming channel, you need to be unique, you can't just throw a bunch of freakin black ops modern war 55's up there and expect to get "Famous". Its very hard to find your unique thing and I fail at it I'm sure, but it IS hard to find your way in the gaming channel world.

So thats my two cents about that, thanks for reading :D


Many gaming channels indeed do that,but worst is "vloggers". But they tend to find it OK cause they are a bunch of their own (No i dont hate vloggers, i do vlog a littlemyself time to time).
I dont think you should lose respect for those people just cause they say that. One true thing is that YES, its like all the DUBSTEP makers, there is BILLIONS of them out there on YT, and to be uniqe is hard, or "to stand out".
I would lie if i said "idc about SUBs", i do, otherwise i would send the movies over SKYPE or something to IRL friends.
Dont we all on YT want to be seen? But some people lacks knowledge and dont know what to do to get veiws/subs and therefor themost common is " I give you, you give me?" and all its about is a "click" on a button witch doesnt take to much effort.
Way many people is using "porgrams" to get their video on TOP search at google etc etc. And i rather subscribe to a new guy/girl saying "I sub, sub me", then a veiwcheating guy/girl.
This forum for an instance is to make it easier to be seen, we type here cause we want to get to know other YTers AND let others know you.
Replace gaming with any channel genre out there and you pretty much just summed up all the YouTuber's who make videos because they think they're going to become famous.
Many gaming channels indeed do that,but worst is "vloggers". But they tend to find it OK cause they are a bunch of their own (No i dont hate vloggers, i do vlog a littlemyself time to time).
I dont think you should lose respect for those people just cause they say that. One true thing is that YES, its like all the DUBSTEP makers, there is BILLIONS of them out there on YT, and to be uniqe is hard, or "to stand out".
I would lie if i said "idc about SUBs", i do, otherwise i would send the movies over SKYPE or something to IRL friends.
Dont we all on YT want to be seen? But some people lacks knowledge and dont know what to do to get veiws/subs and therefor themost common is " I give you, you give me?" and all its about is a "click" on a button witch doesnt take to much effort.
Way many people is using "porgrams" to get their video on TOP search at google etc etc. And i rather subscribe to a new guy/girl saying "I sub, sub me", then a veiwcheating guy/girl.
This forum for an instance is to make it easier to be seen, we type here cause we want to get to know other YTers AND let others know you.

We do? Because I find that s**t annoying. Also where's your credible source to verify this statement?
We do? Because I find that s**t annoying. Also where's your credible source to verify this statement?
For what ive seen many vloggers SUBs eachother, pure vloggers most likely love to follow other vloggers and there is nothing wrong at all with that. I didnt ment to step on anyones toes with what ive said with that.
Just that i think its more common for vloggers to "I sub, sub me". They are like a family, just like we gamers are, just like ANY genere.
But ofc, some find it really annoying when people say those words, i dont and state MY opinion.
The ones i hate is in YT messegebox: "I find you videos soooooo amaizing, why arent you more famous? Please visit this link: BLABLABLA to get noticed" <---- THERE we got something i hate..
I haven't seen all that much of that to be honest, unless it's in the introduction area. However, when people introduce themselves I usually check out their channel rather they ask or not, just to be supportive of the community. I don't do sub for sub, if it's up my alley I'll sub if it sucks I move along. This is a YouTube community, occasionally people are going to ask for subs. No way around that. Yes, it's quite annoying. :)
Well, I've found those that do act this way don't tend to stick around for long. Just have patience, you don't have to try and force that sub count up by subbing to others and hoping they do it back..thats not why you can subscribe to people.
Yeah, when they realize this isn't that kind of place you never see many of them again. Sub for sub is stupid anyway, if folks aren't going to watch you're videos regularly there is absolutely no point in my opinion.