Gamers Getting WAY to Desperate!

Jacob Alsobrook

Yes, I have pants. Do I wear them? No.
Oh meh gersh guys!!!

I KNOW for a fact that many people do this on YTtalk, so sorry if I offend you, well... Actually quoting Pearls old avatar, deal with it.

Seriously, SO many gaming channels are like "Oh my gosh, your channel is great, I subbed to you, mind subbing back?" NO! If I want to sub to you I'll sub to you, just because you subbed me, why does that make me obligated to sub back?

A lot of the time I will NOT sub to them just because they said that, because when they say that, they instantly lose my respect, its ok if there like, "Check out my channel" Because then I'll be like, sure bro. I think I owe you a lookzees because you subscribed to me, a lot of the time they do have good content so I will subscribe. But this whole out of the blue sub4sub thing needs to stop. And 80% of the time the people who say that ARE gaming channel, because when you have a gaming channel, you need to be unique, you can't just throw a bunch of freakin black ops modern war 55's up there and expect to get "Famous". Its very hard to find your unique thing and I fail at it I'm sure, but it IS hard to find your way in the gaming channel world.

So thats my two cents about that, thanks for reading :D
Oh meh gersh guys!!!

I KNOW for a fact that many people do this on YTtalk, so sorry if I offend you, well... Actually quoting Pearls old avatar, deal with it.

Seriously, SO many gaming channels are like "Oh my gosh, your channel is great, I subbed to you, mind subbing back?" NO! If I want to sub to you I'll sub to you, just because you subbed me, why does that make me obligated to sub back?

A lot of the time I will NOT sub to them just because they said that, because when they say that, they instantly lose my respect, its ok if there like, "Check out my channel" Because then I'll be like, sure bro. I think I owe you a lookzees because you subscribed to me, a lot of the time they do have good content so I will subscribe. But this whole out of the blue sub4sub thing needs to stop. And 80% of the time the people who say that ARE gaming channel, because when you have a gaming channel, you need to be unique, you can't just throw a bunch of freakin black ops modern war 55's up there and expect to get "Famous". Its very hard to find your unique thing and I fail at it I'm sure, but it IS hard to find your way in the gaming channel world.

So thats my two cents about that, thanks for reading :D
Or they sub for you and if you don't do the same in 1 hour they unsub. :D
I know exactly what ya mean :D Sometimes i get those messages and i just totally ignore them bcoz I FRIGGIN HATE THEM!! I sub ya bcoz i like your content :D If i dun like your content then i dont sub xD Sounds harsh but its friggin reality :( I agree with ya man :D
This happens as well, and I hate that too. At that point I'm just like, well screw you. I didn't want you here anyways if you just were subing for your own benefit!

Well exactly. The way I see things: if you sub to me, then awesome I am very grateful for that. However, if you only want a sub from me you won't get it cos I only sub to people I actually like watching!
sub me.. and i wont sub you back..

If someone asks for me to sub back then i check out there channel and if i like their stuff then i will end up subbing back but in most cases i dont