Ok, Cool I'm the same - I play TDM & FFA for GP's, maybe the odd Groundwar - So Comms are always best set to 5 - 8 Mins, longer and it becomes hard to keep subs coming back and taking in new subs.
Set certain standards for GP's, as this allows your Subs to become used to your style and playing type.
For example when I do FFA's I only use Wins, which = 30 Kills 6 and less on the deaths ( Unless I pull a Triple Feed or Triple Kill feed within 8 secs to win )
TDM - The odd MoAB ( I have about 107 recorded MoAB's, but I don't use them as well they are overrated on YT ) I look for 20 Kills Mins with 3 Deaths or the perfect world is 25+ with 6 Deaths Min.
TDM / FFA is normally done and dusted with in the timescale above 5-8 Mins - Kill Confirm contains people who are Kill Whores and not Objective players. These are my thoughts, so don't anything the wrong way or too heart.