Gaming Funny Moments Group (Xbox One)

H2O ToonLink

Liking YTtalk
Hello everyone my name is H2O ToonLink but you can call me H2O ToonLink and I got tired of looking because everyone is tell how many subscribers they need and how old u gotta be and etc anyway so I decided to make one I do have rules but not that much

1.have a mic (it doesn't have to be good)
2.age 15 and above
3.have a recording device (I don't care if is crappy hey we all gotta start somewhere)
4.have an Xbox (I have a PS4 and a pc but I don't play on PS4 and my pc this not good and also idk how to record on pc so yeah) in the weekends (it doesn't really gotta be in the weekends I just said that because people mostly play on the weekends)
6.Not get offended easy

Anyway that's all and please read this this is important if ur doing to grow your Channel I'm not doing that I'm just here to have fun ok second if u live somewhere outside the USA I don't care about that just send me a message or something because I'm always active at day and night so yeah (in less if is morning then In that that case yeah we are going to have some problems) third I don't care how much subscribers u have (like come on isn't obviously already)
Fourth have a bit of editing skill (again come on is this funny moment after all not a 30 minute unedited video) and that's it (thank god)

Games I have:
Call of duty ww2
Dead by daylight
Gta 5
Call of duty bo3,2, and 1
Ark survival (I don't play it that much anymore)
Overwatch (I don't play it that much anymore)
And more game (yeah to much to list)

How to contact me:
Send me a message on Xbox:H2O ToonLink
Add me on discord:H2O ToonLink#7579 (yeah idk how to use discord so I getting use to it)

Oh and if you wanna play or make a video you gotta send me message first because I'm not the guys that invites you so just send me a message or a invite