Fullscreen or YouTube?

A few questions here so far.
1. Fair Use - If I were to make a cover song of Uptown Funk or Glory, will I be able to contest the copyright claim with fair use and what is the message I should contest with?

2. Monetization - If I were to upload a cover song of a famous artist, will I be able to monetize that video no matter on AdSense or Fullscreen?

3. Benefits - Can someone compare the benefits sticking with the YouTube Partnership Program(AdSense) rather than Fullscreen

4. Freedom! has replied to my email and they have gave me quite a good email as the answer to my question. Should I still unlink to them as I see no benefits sticking with them?

5. Musicians - A lot of drummers who cover their drum track along with the ORIGINAL SONG actually uploaded it with no claims and they were monetizing it. So did they get the actual permission for this or was it a Fair Use contest?

1. You should be if all the music in the video was made by you. I don't know the best message but it should include that all sounds and music were made by you. Tbh, I don't dont much about music covers.
2. If Adsense does not instantly monetize, then you will have to give them proof. If Fullscreen has rights to the song, then yes. If youtube doesn't detect third party matches, yes with any network.
3. With Adsense you will make more money without having to split with a network and you won't be locked into a network contract.
4. Yes
5. If they have the actual song playing, they might be in a network like Fullscreen with record label deals. They may have permission or license deals to use the song. They may have also altered the original track so that youtube doesn't detect it. It might also not actually be monetized. If a video has a third party match, ads appear on it and the money goes to the respective copyright holders.
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This is what Fullscreen had on their website, so,
1. Does it mean Fullscreen helps me to get permission for cover songs?
2. Are there any other ways to use these artists' songs without getting permissions?
3. Those drummers were partnered with YouTube, so does partnering with YouTube help to make cover songs uploadable?

My problem is not with monetization. It is with the video itself. Currently, I am UNABLE to share the video because Content ID tracked the original song in my video, so is there a way to get away with these?


  • copyright.png
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First and foremost I'd check your contract with Freedom. Can you even unlink them just like that? Aren't you tied to them for x months/years?

Secondly, ask to see the list of pop songs that are supposedly covered by their deals before you sign anything. I'm going to venture a guess that there's nothing remotely recent on there. As in, everything is probably older than 10 years.

And to negate that second point, like we said earlier, there's nothing illegal about a cover so them advertising such things seems weird to me.

As for Content ID, I know that in the past being with a network allows you some benefits that regular Adsense accounts don't get. One of them was that Content ID isn't applied as firmly. Though I do not know if that's still the case.
Thing is, if your music is matched to something then the owner will be notified and they get to decide how to proceed. They can claim the video for themselves to get ad earnings, disable the audio or have it removed all together (in which case you get a copyright strike). So what happens to a video is highly dependent on the music label behind the music you cover and how much of an a** they are.
In short: no, there is no way to completely circumvent the content ID system.
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So no matter if I'm with YouTube, Fullscreen or any other networks they cannot get past the error I'm having and I just have to WAIT for the publishing company to decide EVERYTIME I UPLOAD A COVER? And yeah, Freedom! doesn't have a lock-in contract so I can unlink them NOW! Plus, I've contacted Fullscreen from their "contact" page and it's been a day or two now and they're awfully slow! How should I properly ask them?

This was the contact message:
I am currently in another MCN called Freedom! and they did not actually support me on my copyright issues. I am a musician YouTuber and yes, I do upload song covers on my ukulele, guitar and also cajon which also means I need to have access to original songs from artists like Sam Smith, Bruno Mars, John Legend, Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5 and so on. At the same time, I am quite attracted to the benefits Fullscreen has if I were to partner with. But, the question is, will I be able to use these copyrighted songs and also most importantly, will Fullscreen be able to assist me on copyright issues, like filing an appeal for a cover that has Content ID matches on it. Many famous musician YouTubers actually don't join MCNs, but only partner with the YouTube Partnership Program and their songs do not have any copyright issues. Please reply to me as soon as possible as I would like to join your network in order for my channel to grow. Another question. I do know that Fullscreen offers a two-year contract to sign-in and also a Revenue Split but would I be able to negotiate the terms with Fullscreen?
Yours truly, Galvin Lee
This is what Fullscreen had on their website, so,
1. Does it mean Fullscreen helps me to get permission for cover songs?
2. Are there any other ways to use these artists' songs without getting permissions?
3. Those drummers were partnered with YouTube, so does partnering with YouTube help to make cover songs uploadable?

My problem is not with monetization. It is with the video itself. Currently, I am UNABLE to share the video because Content ID tracked the original song in my video, so is there a way to get away with these?
1. Fullscreen won't help you get permission to cover songs. You will have to cover songs that Fullscreen already have permission to use. Therefore, you have to know what songs Fullscreen will allow you to cover. If they have the rights, the songs will become whitelisted on your channel, therefore no third party match will appear. If they have the rights and a third party match still appears, you should be able to contact them to get it resolved.
2. Are you using the original music track in your video? If you are, there will almost always be a third party match unless you find an altered track or manually alter the track to make it undetectable. One way is to look for instrumental or live versions of songs that are not detected by content ID or create all the music yourself.
3. No. Anyone that monetizes videos via Adsense is partnered with youtube. That doesn't affect content ID.

Your message to Fullscreen is fine. Ask if they have a full list of all songs and artists that you are allowed to cover. In my opinion, it should be somewhat easy to negotiate a 1 year deal with Fullscreen instead of 2 years so make sure you don't sign a 2 year deal. As for split, I don't think you can get higher than 80/20 but definitely try to negotiate split as well. You don't have to ask them if you can negotiate, negotiation is always an option otherwise they will take advantage of you.
Alright, so as a conclusion,
1. I will be negotiating terms with Fullscreen once they DO REPLY my message(don't know when).
2. I can cover songs only on the list of songs in Fullscreen.


1. Are there any music-related networks that is more credible in terms of these permissions?
2. How can I ask for permission if I were to cover a song not on the list?

Anyway, thank you very much to all of you who have helped me in this thread and helped me get out of this copyright question I've been asking myself for days!
If you want permission for a song not on their list, you'll have to get in touch with the artist's music label and jump through their hoops. Just a heads up though, as soon as you mention the word 'monetize' they're going to demand serious sums of money from you in exchange for the permission.

However, again, making a cover isn't actually illegal so technically you shouldn't need permission as long as you're not using any original audio (music or vocals) made by the original artist. If you want to use the original (instrumental) music, then you'd need permission to use it.