From Habbo Hotel to YouTube: Creating an Experience

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tldr: If you are not happy with your channel or not seeing results- change. Identify issues and spend time finding solutions. Think of your favorite thing besides YouTube and see how you can apply that same energy and enjoyment to it to make the best experience possible for viewers. All details are important- big and small and you should constantly be thinking of what you can do better.

Hey ya'll so I just wanted to share with you why I love YouTube and the way it fills a hole in my life.

I don't want to brag or anything but I think of myself as a pretty strong creative. Give me a concept and in minutes I can have a ton of ideas generated about it. It's a blessing and a curse, fore example, I could have a sweet idea I but if I can't or don't have time to execute it, it hurts my soul a little.

Anyways, I used to play this game called Habbo Hotel. It's still around but definitely not in the mainstream and more popular in Europe I believe. It's a game about making virtual hotel rooms not normal rooms but pretty intricate, colorful and designed how you want with crazy furniture and systems. I used to design mazes and games and had a lot of fun designing really intricate ones involving lots of rooms connected together. Which, if you were to compare with YouTube, is a lot like editing a video.


I constantly tweaked settings in rooms, moved furniture around to get the right look and function just like in editing where you have to adjust clips to certain lengths decide whether you want text, if you do, what is the text going to say? etc.

This one particular game took me about a month to make and was a full-fledged game with a storyline and everything. The game started with about 20 people and went through various minigames involving about 50+ rooms all designed with great detail. It was called "Zombie Island" and in each room that you "survived" more about the story would be revealed and so on and so on. I was creating this experience for people to enjoy. Unfortunately I spent so much time in that month planning and implementing all these designs but was only able to showcase my game to the community for about a week. It got a lot of buzz and people would line up by the dozens waiting to play the next game until- the server crashed (It was a private server not the official game). I guess no one bothered to bring it back up so I was never able to log back in. Needless to say I was disappointed but I was satisfied because I was able to create something and have people experience it and enjoy it. I just now realized that this is exactly how YouTube is, same principles different medium.


I just recently started doing a bunch of changes to my channel and revamping things and for the first time in a long time I feel the exact same way I did making games in Habbo Hotel. It gets my creative juices flowing every moment of the day thinking of ways to improve, from big ideas to the smallest details I am constantly trying to get better. Change, for the better... You should too.

I used Habbo Hotel to create experiences and tell stories- Now I am doing it with YouTube. Why do you create?
I create because i love to ^^ Seeing a big pile of lego parts, i love finding out can i turn this motor cycle part into a mech...its enjoying and getting into the flow of creating something of my own that i love. This is very much so in editing videos for youtube as well ^^ I enjoy doing different styles each time :D