is not paying

o yes buddy sorry i really did not mean to offend you i was not referring to you but there are so many skids that dont even know what they are doing win $1 every month yet they post s**t like they are pros and angry because im saying the truth that scam and then they come up with some s****y video in what George looks like if he has a huge hangover
I was joining Freedom recently but found out quite soon that the whole thing is nonsense....I requested to leave but still waiting for approval. Now im seriously concerned if the whole thing would end in getting my account deleted or something....very frustrating
I was joining Freedom recently but found out quite soon that the whole thing is nonsense....I requested to leave but still waiting for approval. Now im seriously concerned if the whole thing would end in getting my account deleted or something....very frustrating
You must wait 30 days, after that Freedom will unlink you from their network.
well its been 3 payments past still no money no answer and they rendered my channel useless please any one that plans on joining them dont
I'm partnered with Freedom and had zero issues so far. Got paid every month. Those who say that were not paid, how much does Freedom owe you? Any printscreens to show that in fact your channel is in good standing and a printscreen with how much Freedom owes you? I don't claim they are saints, some might have issues. I'm curious if people are crying over $1 or $1000 that is owed :)