Liking YTtalk
Looks pretty awesome, I might use it...
I tried to make my own, its not perfect, but not bad either...
(first time with photoshop)
The source is 1920x1080
If anyone wants to use it below is the link to the 10MB psd file
Thanks, I'm glad to do it.
I was searching all over for one of these, ended up finding one on this site and thought I'd add my own.
The "your ad here" part can obviously be changed via the psd, along with the image of myself.
You could of course just place video overtop of the your ad here part though, I don't even know if I'm keeping that part, we'll see what happens.
I like how you have the boxes for previous videos, thats something I didnt consider when doing my own and thats something a lot of people will want, are the Your Ad Here boxes for promoting other peoples channels or is that for sponsors and whatnot?