Services Free YouTube graphics packages

Yeah that would be great thank you :) and if you think it would be better to follow the theme through with the others?
Yeah that would be great thank you :) and if you think it would be better to follow the theme through with the others?
If you mean 'Would it be better to follow one style' (or something similar to that sentence), then yes. If you use the same style for everything, people will recognise better that it's your channel.
If you meant something else, I'm sorry, but I didn't really understand it then :biggrin:
No im glad you can translate my babble haha ( Yes can we follow one style haha) ;)
Well, with the current preview of the banner, I followed the style of the thumbnail (as I was thinking of doing it all in one style :p)
Would u happen to know how to convert a file to photoshop? I have some thumbs done in I'd rather have in psd lol
Hey just a quick one before I let you get on with it. Will the finals you send through be a complete or will I have to do anything to it?
Hey Scrimpy, I'm thinking of taking the W from the logo you made me and making it semi transparent so I can add it to the corner of my thumbnails for branding. Thoughts on this?

Would you mind sharing me the psd or is there an easy way to edit what you have me to do the same? Thank you again.
Hey Scrimpy, I'm thinking of taking the W from the logo you made me and making it semi transparent so I can add it to the corner of my thumbnails for branding. Thoughts on this?

Would you mind sharing me the psd or is there an easy way to edit what you have me to do the same? Thank you again.
Here you go :p

(btw, it's just a "W" in the SkyFall font :p)