Services Free Youtube graphics package for a limited time only!

Need an thumbnail for top 10 weekly :) Just some smite wallpaper or anything you like in the background and the text Top 10 and underline where I can change in PS :) any colours you wish just need to have Smite gods in it ^^
  • a YouTube channel art - Says DailyClasher, is simple, but look 3D. check box under states interviews (check) Let's Plays (Check) Weekly Updates (Check)
  • a YouTube logo DailyClasher, matches with banner.
  • 1 video thumbnail League of Legends Montage - it should say
What do you mean? :)[DOUBLEPOST=1387367603][/DOUBLEPOST]When will these be completed? :)

I made your iTalkWords banner :D[DOUBLEPOST=1387389971,1387382846][/DOUBLEPOST]
For channel art can I have max drinks tea in large in the middle, and underneath and smaller saying new videos every week, I have no ideas for colours or fonts so do what you think is best. Logo whatever you thinks good, and thumbnail can you do my latest video which is aliens and overdoses, I can send you a better quality picture of my already thumbnail for you to work on, does this make sense? :) and as I have over 3000 cash there will be a tip included ;)


