Services Free Music / Sound FX Resource - Over 2000 Tracks

These look like some sick tracks. Will definitely use some in my future videos, thanks dude!

You're very welcome!

Hi everyone,

Now that looping versions of most of my tracks are done, I'm back to creating brand new music and soundscapes. Got a new synth, too, so lots of new sounds are on their way. Here are some for starters:

"Sky Runner" (standard and looping)
"Cyber Teen"
on my Sci-Fi 5 page.

"It's Always Sunny in the 80's"
"It's Raining Pixels"
"The Ice Cream Man"
on my Chiptunes page.

"After the Invasion"
on my Horror/Surreal page.

"From the Sand to the Stars"
on my Techno page.

I hope some of them are useful! :)
More brand new free tracks are ready for everyone...

"REACHING ALTITUDE" – I would love to hear this in a drone video…(I’m a huge fan.) But it might work in a travel video as well.

"THE ASTRONOMY CLUB" – Somehow these kids always seemed to have a lovable goofiness about them. I was never in the astronomy club, but probably should have been…I love all things having to do with space (and certainly qualified as far as the goofy factor was concerned!)

"GRUNGE STREET GAME" – (Looping) Might work under a fighting level.

"MIDNIGHT WANDERER" – Through the cold concrete jungle.

"A CITY FOR ALL MANKIND" – Perhaps one day people will finally learn to get along.

Have a great week! :)
I've been super busy creating custom tracks for clients, but I did mange to get a few new tracks done for everyone:

"Defending Their City"

"Serenity Before Fuji"

"Pixel Drama"


"At the Bottom of Europa"

I hope everyone's having a good week! :)
Here are this week's new free tracks:

On the Action Page, we have:
"Nighttime Escape"
"Car Theft 101"

On my Funny 3 page, we have:
"Baboons with Balloons"

And on the Looping Music Page, we have:
"Puzzle Dreams"
"Puzzle Dreams 2"
"Puzzle Dreams 3"

I hope some of them are useful! :)
Hi everyone,

Lots of new music for you:

On the Sci-Fi 5 page, we have:
"Monsters on Board"
"Monsters on Board 2"
"Monsters on Board 3"

On the Events/Travel 2 page, we have a new track intended for drone pilots, but it might work in a travel video as well:
"Cruising at Altitude"

For those of you needing puzzle game music, I started a new page of just that so all my puzzle music is in one place now (instead of scattered around.) So we have these new tracks:
"Hypnotic Puzzle"
"Hypnotic Puzzle 2"
"Hypnotic Puzzle 3"
"Hypnotic Puzzle 4"

And finally, a couple of new looping tracks on my Action page:
"Quirky Action"
"Quirky Action 2"

Remember, daily updates of new tracks are on my Facebook page.

Have a good week! :)
I'm interested on using some of you tracks for Intro and Outro music. And i will Credit you for using it. I'm just listening and i got to say. Some of them are very nice and awesome pieces.
Hi everyone,

I've created over 900 tracks of music and sound effects that that you can freely use in your projects. It's all original...all my own work. All I ask is to be credited as indicated on my homepage:

soundimage (dot org)

I sincerely hope my tracks are helpful. Any and all feedback is welcome and always appreciated.



do you have a youtube channel?? i'd like to check you out
I'm interested on using some of you tracks for Intro and Outro music. And i will Credit you for using it. I'm just listening and i got to say. Some of them are very nice and awesome pieces.

Thanks, I appreciate it!

Here are this week's new free tracks:

"Flying Over Ancient Lands"

"High Altitude Bliss"

"Dreamy Fantasy Game Menu"

"More Crazy Races"

"Funky Chiptune"

I hope some of them are useful. :)
Hi everyone,

It's proving to be another very busy week, but I've managed to get a few new free tracks done for you:

"The Giant Gates Open"

"The March of the Broken Robots"

"Cat Mischief"

Have a good week! :)