Services Free Logo,Banner

hey can i have a youtube background for my channel? :D if its possible i would like to add like on the center a wolf facing the moon and maybe my chibi i will give you my psd file ;) and something that has gaming inside ;D


hey can i have a youtube background for my channel? :D if its possible i would like to add like on the center a wolf facing the moon and maybe my chibi i will give you my psd file ;) and something that has gaming inside ;D

Sure but Bg's are going away now in June the 5th :)
We can give you a shout out no problem for a banner! We'll sub box you for the icon as well! For the banner we'd like it to say "The Unordinary Fella's" and underneath that, "A new video every Saturday!" We also have a Twitter, and instagram that we can link.
Are you still making banners for the YouTube One Channel Style Banner?
Yes im still making banner just say what you need in it and ill do it after your orders.
We can give you a shout out no problem for a banner! We'll sub box you for the icon as well! For the banner we'd like it to say "The Unordinary Fella's" and underneath that, "A new video every Saturday!" We also have a Twitter, and instagram that we can link.
Sure ill do it so you just need Banner do you need an logo or ?
Yes im still making banner just say what you need in it and ill do it after your orders.

Sure ill do it so you just need Banner do you need an logo or ?
Hey could you make sure it says, " A new video every Thursday! " instead of Saturday. And Yes we do need a logo as well, you could make it the initials of out channel TUF, or we could send you a picture of us. Either or get creative! Use colours like yellow, green, red. Thanks!
Yes im still making banner just say what you need in it and ill do it after your orders.

Sure ill do it so you just need Banner do you need an logo or ?

Um Probably a Logo, One guy volunteered to make me a banner, Ill see how it looks, But I do not have a Logo. right now I just have BF3 image up. for Youtube. Thanks Appreciate your help.
Hey could you make sure it says, " A new video every Thursday! " instead of Saturday. And Yes we do need a logo as well, you could make it the initials of out channel TUF, or we could send you a picture of us. Either or get creative! Use colours like yellow, green, red. Thanks!

You pick what you need and ill make it ;)