Services Free Intros!

Hey, I'd really appreciate if you could make me an intro.
Colors: blue and green, would be awesome if you could work in some pink accents too
Text: jamosai gaming
Type: mainly Fps, and survival games while drinking
3d please
Link below
Hey guys I am super sorry that I didn't get to continue. I ended up having to work over the weekend and I didn't have access to a computer the whole weekend, but this time forsure I have a lot of free time and I am going to continue everyone's intro.
Hey guys I am super sorry that I didn't get to continue. I ended up having to work over the weekend and I didn't have access to a computer the whole weekend, but this time forsure I have a lot of free time and I am going to continue everyone's intro.
Colors: Neon green and baby blue (More baby blue)
text: JayyDaGawd
type: Call of Duty commentary/gameplay
3D Please
youtube: link down below