Services FREE Intros, Backgrounds & Avatars

If you are interested in making something for my channel, I'd appreciate whatever you could come up with (intro, banner or whatever you would want to do)! I'd just like the title "Trolling With Pervert Pete", any font and preferably a red and black type of colors or whatever you could think of! (I'm sure its 100x's better than what I can come up with) Thank you for your time, even if you are not interested in doing mine cuz thats nice of you to offer to do that stuff!
Thats a good offer bro! If you could please make me an intro that would be awesome. It doesnt have to be anything special. So please get back to me soon if you can bro! Thanks!!
Hey whats going on guys and girls, I am wanting to practice gfx so that I can get better. If you want me to make you one leave a comment below describing what you would like included and wheter it is a partner background or not. Make sure to note of specific fonts and phrase etc....

Hey, It would be great to get a background with my name on the side "xXxTJEERDSMAxXx" non partnered, with like a minecraftish theme to it and a avatar. Thanks so much if you can =)
waw ... just waw ... am ... i dunno if to ask this or not but do you still have time to amke a youtube background or shoudl i take a one year waiting number lol ? jk man but seriosly would you still have time to make one more for me ?
Hey. Could you make me an avatar for my YouTube channel? Preferably 800x800 pixels. Have the text NAC in it, and you decide the rest. I have a gaming channel, so something gaming related would be nice. Or just gaming themed. Thanks. I will await your artistic work.
just a thought ... but if you can then can we chat on skype ? or how can i give you the details ? its not complicated its just the blending i can`t really get