Services Free GFX Services!

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Hello everyone!

I am posting this thread to everyone and anyone who may be searching for GFX. If you would like GFX, then feel free to reply to this thread and ask, you can also check out my channel for free template downloads, if you don't have Photoshop I'd be more than happy to edit one for you!

I would love for you to do me something, I'm rather uncreative and unskilled when it comes to graphic design (as you can tell by my channel art and avatar) so if you could create better ones for me i'd be very grateful :) thank you
Jo man im a prank channel i would really love it if ya could make me a channel art.. something clean and simple but stil greatlloking... i would like my twitter and facebook page to be featured.... facebook: /smidytv and twitter: @SmidyTV i would also give you a shoutout!
Hey, I'm a composer, I always need background pictures for my music :) Do you think you could do one for my next song?
Hello everyone!

I am posting this thread to everyone and anyone who may be searching for GFX. If you would like GFX, then feel free to reply to this thread and ask, you can also check out my channel for free template downloads, if you don't have Photoshop I'd be more than happy to edit one for you!

Cool bro what's your skype?
If you are willing for a job them my clan really needs a gfx designer . Thank you.

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Thanks :)

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