Services Free Gaming Thumbnails :D

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Can you make me a basic thumbnail that I can edit the text myself? I make roughly 30 videos a day and would only need 1-2 basic thumbnails that I would only need to change the text of. Is that possible?
Can you make me a basic thumbnail that I can edit the text myself? I make roughly 30 videos a day and would only need 1-2 basic thumbnails that I would only need to change the text of. Is that possible?
30 videos a day?! :eek:
Anyway, sure, just lemme know what game(s) they'd be for and what you'd like the text to say, if you want any text.
30 videos a day?! :eek:
Anyway, sure, just lemme know what game(s) they'd be for and what you'd like the text to say, if you want any text.
Sorry, I meant 30 videos a month. I'd like a thumbnail for madden that says "Best Play in The Game". Would I be able to edit the text of the thumbnail through photoshop?
Hope you like it :D Download the .psd .

I love it!! Thank you so very much! This is amazing!! You should do tutorials on these thumbnails-you would get a ton of views!!
It would be awesome if you could possible make me a youtube thumbnail!
message me on skype if you want to!
Thanks sooo much for the thumbnail! Please can you create a 'Profile Pic/LOGO' for me:
I would love to have a gaming feel to it (e.g. bf3, minecraft, cod and really any kind of games as a background)as well as GH text as my YouTube name is GameHunter-is within your experties?
I think you missed my last post :3 Could you do a thumbnail for the game The Witch's House? It's an RPGMaker horror game :D
Could you possible make me a couple of gaming thumbnails?
Add me on skype if interested!
Hey thanks! I used GIMP and figured how to do it!! Can you do me a huge favor and make me another thumbnail for Binding of Issac? THanks so much!
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