Just starting out and am in need of some basic channel art for my new channel. A banner and avatar/logo would be great.
A basic idea I had was having my channel name in the center "ReMakeable Entertainment"
and on the R somewhere have a pair of scissors starting to cut out the letter "R" and maybe have the second leg of the "R" (closest to the "e" go down and create an underline for the whole channel name like this: R
eMakeable Entertainment Also doesn't have to be a straight as an arrow line it can be a little thicker and slightly brush stroked.
Letters don't have to be Arial or Times New Roman chunkier is better but not Comic Sans all over the place lettering style. Please
Other then that I'm perfectly alright with leaving the rest of the creativity in your hands background is up to you pattern of some sort is fine, or a solid color, or a cartoonish image. Avatar/logo if it could be the same R with the scissors starting to cut out the R that would be great, It doesn't have to have the elongated second leg of the R for the avatar/logo.
The rest of it is up to you. If you want to make any other channel art I could use it would be welcomed but the important things are the basics for now.
I will gladly include your information in my about page as well as in the description of the first few video's I upload.