Finished/Closed Free Banner art, Icons, illustrations and more

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Ok guys whats up. Since i am off for the summer i wanted to see if anyone needed any channel, icon, thumbnail, art. I am not going to charge for the service but the only thing i ask for is to please share my artwork amongst your friends and audience and also credit me :) (Also if interested please leave a comment so i can see your channel and personal message me.) Email Me @ View attachment 20742

ExamplesView attachment 20743

Would you be able to do a cartoon guy of myself, similiar to the one you have of yourself. With a camera and a skateboard in his hand? And than have like "Bienvenidos." written similiar to the way I have in my banner right now? I would really appreciate it and I will give you credit in every video!

I am working on otheres so please be patient :)
Hi I can do graphics but I like the way you do the cartoon versions of people, could you do one of me please?
Would you be able to do a cartoon guy of myself, similiar to the one you have of yourself. With a camera and a skateboard in his hand? And than have like "Bienvenidos." written similiar to the way I have in my banner right now? I would really appreciate it and I will give you credit in every video!
Do you still need it