Free At Last!

@truemoney18 The non-skippable ads might give you a "big earnings boost"; however, you need to balance this against the fact that since you are with a network, your earnings are being "double dipped". Both YouTube and the network are taking a cut of your earnings.

First YouTube takes 45% of your original total, then the network takes whatever its rev split percentage is of what is left. So if the rev split in your contract is 10% you will now be down to less than half of the original total; if 30%, or 40% you will be down even further.

You will always...always, earn more with Adsense alone, than you will with a network; unless that network has such good branding sponsorships or promo offers available, that you make hundreds of dollars from those alone.

For gaming channels networks are sometimes a safer option than going it alone; but many networks will also leave you to fight any copyright strikes or Content ID issues on your own as well. I don't have a gaming channel.
Interesting .. thanks
Best of luck in your future endeavours that you're going to take on alone. Probably a smart decision if you can't negotiate a better deal with network (e.g. 5% or no percentage cut in their favor).
Best of luck in your future endeavours that you're going to take on alone. Probably a smart decision if you can't negotiate a better deal with network (e.g. 5% or no percentage cut in their favor).
Thanks for the good wishes. It's very difficult to negotiate with Mickey Mouse.

My current (and final) network is owned by none other than The Walt Disney Company!