For those who have Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro

I've an A Level media student doing Film and TV at college I always used Premiere Pro CS6 at home, but when I started college they used Final Cut Pro 7 which wasn't too much of a problem as I could take my projects home as long as I exported them to XML in Final Cut first.. but the reason I got Premiere Pro was because it's a professional editing software which is now classed as industry standard (in the UK anyways). As I want to work in the media I thought it would be a good investment and so far it has been :)
Well I am a film/video editor by trade. So I have a Premiere, Final Cut, and an AVID at my house. I have to have them because different clients come with different expectations and for what I do (not on youtube) The Basics wouldn't cut it.
No kidding? I didn't know that about you, Ken. It all makes sense now!

I've tried to get a video editing job several times to no avail, unfortunately.
why is final cut 7 better than X?
First off... Final Cut Pro 7 is Professional Editing software, Final Cut Pro X is an app (basically an upgrade of iMovie).

That's basically all there is too it, it doesn't have the features and many other things that you can do in Final Cut Pro 7. I wish Apple just continued with the real program not some crappy app tbh.. I think the only thing that really became better was Motion.. because apparently SoundTrack Pro X is rubbish as well :L
I upgraded so I can learn how to use them. That was honestly why I did, I was intrigued by the higher end NLEs so I learned premiere. I wasn't really sure why it was better, but I knew it was. Now, I am very glad I did make the switch, premiere is miles ahead of camtasia editor (which is what I previously used).