Finally got my first Copyright Strike

@WolfWraith I get lots of 3rd party claims. Those aren't really anything. I suppose the takeaway from this is to not target smaller companies that aren't part of the Content ID system without asking their permission first.

Update: I got a reply from a Dan Palmer, probably his son, saying they will be happy to retract the claim if I first delete the video, which I have done just now. Even if it was a clear case of fair use, which this isn't, I would rather not go to court over a video I did at the whim of a fan that only had ~1,000 views. Really, I just want the strike off.
I thought there is no such thing as bad publicity? People mock my content and use it all the time. I never strike against it. I guess that guy does not want to grow.
I thought there is no such thing as bad publicity? People mock my content and use it all the time. I never strike against it. I guess that guy does not want to grow.
Even if someone sued me and I lost, it would be expensive I'm sure, but if a reporter asked me to comment on how the trial went, I'd probably say, "To everyone I just want to say... please like, comment, and subscribe."