Figure out if your viewers like your content by looking at audience retention!


New Member
Audience retention is a great way for you to see whether your viewers are enjoying your content .

For each of your videos, audience retention starts at 100% and the goal is to remain relatively flat throughout.

A sharp drop off within the first 10-15 seconds may indicate that your video wasn’t what your viewers expected. Revisit your title, thumbnail and description to better fit what the video is about.

Seeing bumps and dips in your retention curves? A bump can mean viewers are re-watching or sharing at these points in your video. Dips can mean that viewers skip those parts or leave your video.

Take a look at these moments - did the image or title promise something the video didn’t seem to deliver, or the video took too long to start, or get to a point, or was there a card that took them away from the video?

It’s normal to see a gradual decline in your audience retention graph.

Sharp declines can indicate something in the video is causing many viewers to stop watching at a specific point.