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Feeling quite proud

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I know that my biggest motto is to just focus on having fun with making videos and not worry about numbers but after only about a week I'm at 14 subscribers and some of them are discovering me from places that aren't YTtalk which is REALLY cool. I'm feeling proud of myself right now and felt I'd share. I know most of you guys are gonna be like "lawl I have hundreds of subbers" but I'm just posting my little accomplishment. :p
Well done :) that's really good progress for just a week
I know that my biggest motto is to just focus on having fun with making videos and not worry about numbers but after only about a week I'm at 14 subscribers and some of them are discovering me from places that aren't YTtalk which is REALLY cool. I'm feeling proud of myself right now and felt I'd share. I know most of you guys are gonna be like "lawl I have hundreds of subbers" but I'm just posting my little accomplishment. :p
Congratulations! An accomplishment is an accomplishment, no matter how small it is. If it keeps you motivated to do better, than that makes it even more awesome. :)
Lol you guys are making me blush. :O I'm 2 away from 50 already people are insane as hell taking time out of their day for my videos :p

I totally agree! As long as you're loving what you're doing, any number is a great milestone, and you should be happy and proud of! Keep up the good work! :)
Awwww thank you so much! It's been such a ride! I'm excited for all the rest of the journey it has in store. :)
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