

Well-Known Member
So, I have a friend on youtube who has her own fanpage on facebook. She hasn't been on youtube too long and hasn't got many subs but her fanpage has a bunch of likes, which I think is pretty cool.

I know for sure in the future I would maybe want to make one so I can communicate with my subscribers and ask them what they'd want in future videos. When is the best time to make one though? I was think at maybe 500 or 1000 subs if I ever make it to that? Or maybe it should be more? I don't want to seem like the type who is too full of themselves but it seems like such a fun thing to do, and I am somewhat envious when I see my friend has her own page and stuff x]
500 seems a pretty nice number from where to start, in my opinion. I'd probably start at that amount myself.
Also, I don't think having a fanpage makes you look like you're too full of yourself, it'd rather show you care about what your subscribers want to see and that you listen to them. You know, there are some huge people out there that have fanpages and all that, but they still don't seem like they're really communicating with the fans. I would really like it if those people commented under their fanpage statuses, too.
Do you know Jenna Marbles? She's huge on youtube. I don't know if it only seems like that to me or Jenna never really does what her fans ask. I mean, she asks them all the time what they'd like the next video to be about, but I haven't noticed even once that she would actually pick a topic her fans suggested. Maybe she has though, I could be wrong.
I have one and I don't have very many subs. For me, Facebook is an essential part of marketing and it lets people who like your work choose how they want to be notified.
i'd recommend just making one whenever you get around to it :P i have one with about 120 likes and i have 148 subs on youtube so you could have one with a low amount of subs like me and it'll still be reasonably popular :D
500 seems a pretty nice number from where to start, in my opinion. I'd probably start at that amount myself.
Also, I don't think having a fanpage makes you look like you're too full of yourself, it'd rather show you care about what your subscribers want to see and that you listen to them. You know, there are some huge people out there that have fanpages and all that, but they still don't seem like they're really communicating with the fans. I would really like it if those people commented under their fanpage statuses, too.
Do you know Jenna Marbles? She's huge on youtube. I don't know if it only seems like that to me or Jenna never really does what her fans ask. I mean, she asks them all the time what they'd like the next video to be about, but I haven't noticed even once that she would actually pick a topic her fans suggested. Maybe she has though, I could be wrong.
That was my thought on it too, because by the time I have 500 subs I can imagine I'd have put quite a few videos out anyway. Some input would probably be helpful! Yeah, I saw Jennas fanpage and went off her a lot after that, although I've never been a big fan. I've noticed a lot of big youtubers don't really listen or communicate with their fans though. I guess they're too busy.[DOUBLEPOST=1347618652,1347618567][/DOUBLEPOST]
i'd recommend just making one whenever you get around to it :p i have one with about 120 likes and i have 148 subs on youtube so you could have one with a low amount of subs like me and it'll still be reasonably popular :D
Oh really? :D thats pretty awesome then. Maybe I should make it sooner. Probably at 250? I didn't know so many people made them early!
I would make one right off the bat, I do it with any website I own and I dont see why you cant or shouldnt when youre a YouTuber. Having them early on I find you might start off slow with likes and activity but it will grow along with your channel, if your channel is growing then your fanpage will most likely grow too if you update it regularly and manage it well. It is part of your social media branding and having it right away allows you to get your Facebook URL earlier on too so you wont be worrying about others taking it when youre more popular. I say make one now and promote it in one of your videos and in every video after that with links in the description to it, maybe mention it at the end of your videos. I dont see it as showing off or acting bigger than what you are as everyone and their grandma has one these days more or less :D[DOUBLEPOST=1347626855][/DOUBLEPOST]Another plus is you could promote it here, members here are very willing to help out with you getting some initial likes and even if theyre not really active on your page you could interest them some day when they see what you post popping up on their homepage. I know I tend to find stuff through Facebook that I could have missed, like right now I am going to go and watch Vicboss's half beard video which I seen promoted there on my phone about an hour ago :D Goes to show it works and can act as a reminder to people you are out there.
I was encouraged to make one as soon as I got partnered (285 subs then).
It's not very active, but I still post to it and it's growing, very slowly.
I have one now actually (posted below for reference). Since I'm not only on YouTube and am active on my blog and elsewhere, Facebook is just a nice place to consolidate all your activity on the internet. I don't think you should have a target number before making on, but note that you can only start tracking your Facebook Insights after you've got 30 likes. I think it's also just a nice way of showing people your history on the internet. :)
wouldn't it be recommended to have one when you're partnered so that you can have the link at the top of your channel?
I don't think it looks bad to have a fan page even just starting out, because it's all part of your network to connect and share.
I have both a profile and I need to get folks from my profile over to my fan page which I'm working on doing.
So, you'll be fine to have a fan page. :)