Earnings question


YTtalk cash donated: $489
Im confused :s It says that I make $15 monthly, so is that the ammount that RPM take and split in half? Also social blade tell me that I make more money :s So if I earn $15 will I only get $7.50? Also what is AFV earninngs? Can someone explain what is going on in the picture below:

You weren't quite clear with your question. If you're under RPM then they are most probably going to take the amount they had specified in the contract but if you are not under RPM then please don't join it :p If you're asking werher thats the amount from where RPM will deduct then yes but if you have multiple channels you're earning from and you want to check all of them then check it in your adsense. To do that-
-Sign in to adsense
-View Full reports
-Adsense for host
That's the earning for all you're Youtube channels combine.

AFV is AdSense For Video (you can see this in your CMS reports). In your AdSense reports it is AdSense for Content Host.
the only number you have to worry about is the estimated earning. that the one you get.. so if you made 15$ in that month then yes, rpm will take 50% or 40% depends on your contract... but they have a thershold of 50$ now. so if you havent made 50$ then you have to wait another month until you reach the thershold.. and socialblade is just an estimated, remeber that they dont count the views that are not monetizables thats why they have more than normal.
yeah I remember doing my stats with sb saying I earned like 170 bucks last year, and I'm thinking 'yeah right... only 5 videos or so were monetized' lol. I think they just estimate and make like if all your views were monetized.
only worry about the estimated earrings then what ever you network takes you get whats left over some take 50 some take 30 depends who your network with.