Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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Love the work. If its possible, can you make me a banner?

If so, can it say Fonzilium with a NHL and FIFA game theme. I'll leave the creativity about that for you :D
Rest done till Wednesday


No problemo man,

yea I am doing twitter banners just send me dimensions

Then can you make me an display picture for Youtube?
I want Sinon from Sword Art Online II or Itachi from Naruto Shippuden to be in it and my channel name "NightcoreCritical" in it :) If you can, add both the anime characters but it should not look messy. I leave the creative work to you :D
Dimensions : 1500 x 421 ( i think ) Well for the twitter banner, I would it to have my youtube channel url /GoAuraa and my twitter /Auralitys on it somewhere, and for the backround I would it just to be chisaki from nagi no asukara. Thanks, keep up the good work (:
Hey I need a youtube banner, saying Ex-Calibur blown up in cool letters in the middle and under it "gaming commentaries and more" and a cool background of your choice nothing childish though.
Holy crap dude you are really talented...can I ask what program you use and whatnot?

Also if I could have a banner and/or avatar with something to do with League of Legends and my name: Hayteful Gaming. If you could make the Avatar reminiscent of Game Grumps would be appreciated! I don't know the dimensions for youtube banner or Avatar. My favorite color is Royal Blue but you can work with what you want! :)
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