Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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TELL ME MORE DETAILS MAN, size,what u want it to be like,text...
Err size I will get back to you on and LydianGamer in the middle I will give you the exact colouring with its # soon. Then have a slanted rectangle on the left saying PM for directorship and another underneath saying Gameplays Updates Tutorials and then have some cool design stuff like some cool particle effects.
Thanks, can you use the minecrafter font on please ?
And a creeper that stands behind the lettres with his head above the lettres.(Sorry for my bad english!) :p and also this man from happy wheels:

And with those logo's right to the name:

Wow man, yours work is SOOO AMAZING. I'm just have created a new channel on Youtube, and I realize that, if you don't have fancy background, intro, etc. you won't, no, can't be famous. I would be very happy if you tell me that you will make a background for me. About the dimension, colors, etc. well ... I want to know that will you accept my request first, then I will contact you about those details. :)
like I said allll for FREE , Im not making youtube layoioieowi(whatteevar is the name) but if u need it I can try
Would you be able to make me a background for the old youtube layout

The only thing i would want would be 'Them2GuysOFFICIAL' in fancy font somewhere and if you could include these pictures in these picturesIMG_1044.JPG

with a navy background with maybe a faint pattern on it
and different colour paint splodges all over the picture
If thats too much to ask for dont worry about it, just a thought :p
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