
I've Got It
Hello! It's LionWaffles again with another YouTube essential tip. Today we are going to be talking about Sub4Sub and how you REALLY shouldn't do it. I've got some of my friends doing it (and me at one point), and it's been pretty hard.

1. V:S ratio is WAYYYYY out of whack - This is when you see channels where they have maybe 100K subscribers, however just falling short of 500 views per video. You're like WHAAAAT? They have that many subs and only 500 views?

2. Subbing back - Yes, yes you can turn off email notifications but really, subscribing to that many accounts - how are you going to tweak the settings for all of those users?

3. Unsubscribing - an *** - This kind of leads from the last one. Why not just unsubscribe? Well, they subscribed to you and you subscribed to them. Think of it this way: You pay taxes, but you aren't living in that town.

4. YouTube is a game - Now think of YouTube as a Monopoly. The bank is all of the subscribers. You steal all of the money from the bank. You cheated.

5. Against YouTube terms - Maker Studios had a system that (I think) got taken down due to it violating the YouTube terms, and it was a S4S / V4V / L4L system that you had to be invited to, which was their way of making sure you don't unsubscribe.

6. It just makes you look bad - This one is from my POV. All of my friends have higher subscriber counts (and my enemies heheheheh), and that is because they made the horrible choice of doing Sub4Sub. To me, it makes you look really desperate for attention. Yes, it does boost your rankings, but it should be just as hard as it is for people such as Pewdiepie and Smosh, they all went through the same process you did.

Thank you for reading my first YouTube tip!
- LionWaffles

Friends, YouTubers, and myself.
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Also, sub4sub: so many dead subscribers. Not a single one actually cares about the content you produce and wants to watch it - they only subscribed to you through the premise of getting subscribers, not since they enjoy your content. If that's the only reason they subbed, why would they come back to watch it? It just doesn't make any sense.

Also so many gaming (they are really bad) YouTubers our size have so much thirst... It's pretty sad. It kind of makes me think they are just doing YouTube to be popular and not because they enjoy it as a whole.
Also, sub4sub: so many dead subscribers. Not a single one actually cares about the content you produce and wants to watch it - they only subscribed to you through the premise of getting subscribers, not since they enjoy your content. If that's the only reason they subbed, why would they come back to watch it? It just doesn't make any sense.

Also so many gaming (they are really bad) YouTubers our size have so much thirst... It's pretty sad. It kind of makes me think they are just doing YouTube to be popular and not because they enjoy it as a whole.
thats what my enemies at school are doing it for. they're 5th graders (im 6th) and they have higher numbers than me and they're bullying me because of that. im just about ready to confront them (they run a group) to the 5th and 6th grade class of using sub4sub because of all of the reasons listed in @OP.
I think you should be the bigger person. But if they are actually bullying you you should take it to a teacher or a trusted adult dude. That isn't cool of them :mad:

However you should be content in the knowledge that you have worked hard to earn all of your subscribers :)
I think you should be the bigger person. But if they are actually bullying you you should take it to a teacher or a trusted adult dude. That isn't cool of them :mad:

However you should be content in the knowledge that you have worked hard to earn all of your subscribers :)
It doesn't bother me, I deal with them all of the time. It just gets really annoying so I tell them to screw off.
Sub for sub is really pointless. It might have some negative effect due to the dead subs, but it certainly has no positives, except maybe social approval. The views is what you are really after. You want people to WATCH your videos, otherwise what's the point in making them? As you gain more views, your channel grows in popularity, you slowly build your brand and get your channel out there. If you have quality videos it will take off.
Thank you for this insightful post being a small channel this information is absolute gold dust for me.
I will admit I did sub for sub when i first started, but all of them left within a month. I used a 2nd channel to sub with so I didnt mess with my main channel.

I havent done that in over a year now though, and my subscribers are growing at 200+ per month right now.
I want to make a confession here the people I have done sub for sub which was not many I unsubscribed I thought long and hard about this post yes I have lost subscribers.... but to be honest they were not true supporters of who I am and what I do. I felt no sadness losing them. Thanks again for this thread.