DON'T claim to be a "Professional" if you're not.

This is probably the biggest thing that annoys me as a Designer, and that's seeing people claim to be professionals when they're clearly not.

Ironically, it's extremely unprofessional to claim such things. It doesn't matter if you're beginning or if you've been doing it for years, let your work give you a reputation. Unless you hold a Bachelor (or similar certificate) in Graphic Design, then you're not a professional. If you can't pay the bills with it, it's a hobby. If you can, it's a job, and if you're making that much money, then chances are, you're a professional. And probably for good reason.

Honestly if I was going to commission a "professional" and I received some of the work these "Professionals" are selling, I'd be rather disappointed.

Not trying to be negative or demotivate people, but keep it in mind.

Couldn't agree more! It makes them look like a professional douche bag! Sorry if I am not allowed to use that term..but it's true :) <3
Same goes for audio engineers omg. Go on fiverr and you find TONS of mixers and audio engineers who will make you "professional sounding mixes" or "radio ready recordings" and then you get your song back and you're like "wtf is this, I can mix better than this" sounds like they took your song dumped it in their daw, beat their fists on their keyboard a few times, dumped it into a dropbox file and sent it your way "THX 4 THE 5 BUX"
Same goes for audio engineers omg. Go on fiverr and you find TONS of mixers and audio engineers who will make you "professional sounding mixes" or "radio ready recordings" and then you get your song back and you're like "wtf is this, I can mix better than this" sounds like they took your song dumped it in their daw, beat their fists on their keyboard a few times, dumped it into a dropbox file and sent it your way "THX 4 THE 5 BUX"
lol i've never tried to buy any audio mixing things on fiverr, but I got my pro pic from fiverr. I had to tweak it a bit on my own, but that was just like some colors, and brightness, exposure, and contrast. nothing too huge lol, and i like it so it's all good. You're like the first other person i've seen that uses fiverr
Amen, my friend. Every time I see someone who has basic Photoshop knowledge call themselves a "professional", I just feel bad for every ACTUAL professional designer.
Amen, my friend. Every time I see someone who has basic Photoshop knowledge call themselves a "professional", I just feel bad for every ACTUAL professional designer.
I've been designing for 3 years and I've never claimed to be a professional. I'm planning on going to University to get my Bachelor in Graphic Design, and even then I don't plan to claim to be a professional. :3
It's true, but then how would they get their business? It does p**s me off though when that happens. I see companies based around me locally saying they can create promotional material and video for business' and then produce sh*t. Once a work friend (whom I don't really talk to that much, that's why he didn't know what I do) had one of his family who needed a bunch of dvds with a few interviews on them printed. You know, simple 1 interview per DVD with their name on it. They had a batch of around 30 done, but one of the interviews had a misspelling on the menu of the DVD. They asked to get it reprinted and fixed and he was charged £200! Said it was "rendering".
I render stuff on my MacBook laptop like this overnight!
Ranting a bit, but its terrible when people get both sh*t products and overcharged to hell for it.
That's it rant over :)