Services Doing Free "Badges/Ribbons"

What Colour Do you want the badge : Black-ish
What Colour Do you want the banner : White
What text do you want on the badge : SlinnyShooter
What text do you want on the banner : Subscribe Today!
That could be useful for the annotation logo you can put on your videos. I wouldn't mind one please! :)

What Colour Do you want the badge : Is it possible to have the circle black and the sort of 'sun' bit in purple?
What Colour Do you want the banner : Teal please
What text do you want on the badge : FRANKIE (pink colour please)
What text do you want on the banner: Blind Drunk Gaming! (black colour)

If that's too complex then no worries!
This ok?
Just tell me :
What Colour Do you want the badge : Grey
What Colour Do you want the banner :Blue
What text do you want on the badge : Poke my other vids & become awesome sauce! :D
What text do you want on the banner : Sub & Comment :D