Does my name work for Youtube?

People don't subscribe because of your name unless it is a pun or something like that. It is usually for content. That being said, people might choose to not click on your video in the search results because of your name. I usually choose people I can pronounce. I guess the rule is too many x's means that I won't click. And no one will subscribe until they see one of you videos.
The name doesn't have to sound "professional" it has to be marketable. Easy to remember, easy to type and it also helps if everyday life situations remind people of that name.
Someone's talking about a guy with glasses - you have to think of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses; someone says "my hart", you are reminded to back on MyHarto's channel (if he is grabbing his chest while saying my hart you might wanna call 911 first... and then check YouTube on your cell phone while you wait); someone talks about Germans, or Germany... :biggrin:

When I saw your name on the forums for the first time I clicked it right away to check you out. (And then was a bit disappointed, cause I, too, was expecting a vlogger, and am not really into gaming channel. The "10" kinda ruins it a bit though...
The name doesn't have to sound "professional" it has to be marketable. Easy to remember, easy to type and it also helps if everyday life situations remind people of that name.
Someone's talking about a guy with glasses - you have to think of ThatGuyWithTheGlasses; someone says "my hart", you are reminded to back on MyHarto's channel (if he is grabbing his chest while saying my hart you might wanna call 911 first... and then check YouTube on your cell phone while you wait); someone talks about Germans, or Germany... :biggrin:

When I saw your name on the forums for the first time I clicked it right away to check you out. (And then was a bit disappointed, cause I, too, was expecting a vlogger, and am not really into gaming channel. The "10" kinda ruins it a bit though...
Yep the 10 kinda does ruin it, I'm waiting for Google+ to be less glitchy with Youtube so i can take that out. :)
Yeah your name totally matters don't let people tell you different and yours would be good yeah.

Generally names should:
  • Be memorable
  • Be easy to spell
  • Not contain numbers or funny characters
  • Be relevent to your content
  • Be consistent across platforms (twitter, if you have a blog or whatever)
It's easier to find channels with the above criteria and they are better optimized for search, plus it's more professional.
And guess what, yours ticks all the boxes XD
Yeah your name totally matters don't let people tell you different and yours would be good yeah.

Generally names should:
  • Be memorable
  • Be easy to spell
  • Not contain numbers or funny characters
  • Be relevent to your content
  • Be consistent across platforms (twitter, if you have a blog or whatever)
It's easier to find channels with the above criteria and they are better optimized for search, plus it's more professional.

And guess what, yours ticks all the boxes XD
Well ... at-least you understood my point. xD
Thanks for the feedback. :p I checked your channel and it seems pretty good. :)