Does anyone care....

Moved this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section :)
I think people are interested in that, sure. People like to know what other people got and if they'd like to have that for themselves...
I think it's a fair idea, Not that I personally would watch it.

Just be sure, if you're showing off expensive stuff, to say at the end like "I'm just so lucky and blessed that I am in the financial situation I am in to be able to get these great things". If you don't, you may just come across as a rich conceded white girl who has a lawyer and doctor for parents. Unless that's you. I don't know you personally :confused:
I like watching what people get as gifts and such. Sometimes they get super expensive stuff and end up looking a little spoiled to me, so I think the idea that you have a smaller birthday is more easy to relate to for a lot of people. Usually gift hauls are in the form of opening a package received in the mail in front of a camera, but you could also show what you got in a video after everything was opened, too. I also like watching people make stuff out of things; whether it's a pretty rose out of a ribbon, or something handy from thrifted items.. Watching people get stuff is neat! lol! I think it's fun! ^-^
It could be fun, especially if you decorated the area you're filming in or wore a party hat.... or something equally stimulating to the eyes ^.^
A birthday haul sounds like a great idea actually. It's a way of advertising the merchandise. :)
In my opinion, GO FOR IT but do it with a TWIST ;)
It could be fun, especially if you decorated the area you're filming in or wore a party hat.... or something equally stimulating to the eyes ^.^
Thats a good idea! Thanks!
A birthday haul sounds like a great idea actually. It's a way of advertising the merchandise. :)
In my opinion, GO FOR IT but do it with a TWIST ;)
Lets see if I can get someone to sponsor me!!!

What twist? Like.. Cheese twists?