Do you write your videos?

I outline but never fully script.
That way it leaves me room to go off on tangents and occasionally discover something awesome.
But more often than not I end up with 20+ minutes of ridiculousness.

My "writing" really happens during the editing, when I look at what I have to work with and piece it together from there.
Because I have to cram a lot of stuff into my videos in a small amount of time and ten to ramble, I script most of my stuff. It enables me to add clarity, conciseness and character to my voice. It means I have to be really careful with my editing which takes time but the end result is a more professional video.

Notes, unless it's a proper sketch. Then I will full on script it. Being a comedy writer is my thing. =]
i dont write anything down at all but i do have a idea of what i want to say and do it its a review then i will make sure i know the points and facts i need to hit