Do you write your videos?


Do you write your videos? Or do you write notes and then improvise the rest?

I've just finished writing the next script for my video which will be up after the one that's going up next week. It's going to be a bit of a funny video (Humorous but slightly serious)
Mine is all scripted, of course, but when I start recording, the script almost always changes slightly after I try to say it aloud or when I hear it played back.
We don't script anything. We usually have a general idea written down on how the overall sketch is going to go. We know a few jokes or funny parts we want to drop in and we mostly improv from there. We aren't that disciplined to sit down and actually write something. It's laziness more than talent that gets us through:D
I have to script all my videos, otherwise the result will be similiar to my two first two videos which weren't scripted - bad rambling. Plus improvising made me so nervous that it was a hell to make one video. But now when things are scripted, I hardly ever get nervous anymore.
If I'm doing a review I'll write down areas that I want to cover, but if I'm doing a casual game commentary I'll tend not to have a script, just to keep the spontaneity.
all my video are improvised, with a few exceptions to the rule. my improvisation can work on most occasions, but at the same time it can be my undoing lol. i can't do scripts because when read things i'll read what isn't there and change it on the fly.