Do you write scripts for your vdeos?

I have a weird system. Sometimes I do write a script (usually it pays off to put more work into it) as I am with a current one. Other times, I just think about my video for a day and memorize a few points I want to make, then hit record. It depends on my mood and the time I have. I'm still finding my groove I guess.
Its pretty bad i go off the top of my head which leaves a few "erms" and "uhhhhh"'s in the video haha, i guess with gaming commentary you're so focused on the game at times that talking over it can put you off a little :P

If its a vlog, rather than a script, just have a notepad on screen about what you should talk about with keywords on what you should or shouldnt mention or talk about, it made it wayyyy easier for me rather than looking aimlessly at the screen and once again resulting to "ummmmm" and "errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Hopes this helps ^^
If i'm vlogging and I don't know as much as I should about the topic, I research it and take notes. And then I take those notes and turn them into paragraph format jokes (:
I generally plan what I'm going to say, and write little bullet points etc. just so that I don't get tongue tied :p I don't write full scripts though - it sounds less natural on camera :D