Do you write scripts for your vdeos?


Loving YTtalk
Hey everyone I was just wondering do you write scripts for your videos? I write scripts for big videos like movies for my channel for example I'm writing my MFV The Movie 4 script right now!
It depends on the nature of the video really. For my Forza 4 car review series, I always write notes and bullet point what I have to say. I don't script my football commentary videos though, as they sound better when comments are made when the action happens.
i dont write scripts because theres no need for the type of videos i do. but sometimes i make notes if i feel i need to, or want to make sure i dont leave anything out.
I sort of have to.

The stages of making my videos:
1. Write script (Proof read, make corrections)
2. Create cartoon (Takes quite a while)
3. Put them together in Sony Vegas
4. Once everything is together, REFINE REFINE REFINE.

It usually takes between 1 and 3 renders to get the video the way I want it.
I sort of have to.

The stages of making my videos:
1. Write script (Proof read, make corrections)
2. Create cartoon (Takes quite a while)
3. Put them together in Sony Vegas
4. Once everything is together, REFINE REFINE REFINE.

It usually takes between 1 and 3 renders to get the video the way I want it.

The stages I do when making a big video are

1. Write script (first draft)

2. Read it

3. Make edits (decide what to add/take out and change)

4. Rewrite the script

5. Read again (Make changes if needed)

6. Film

That's the stages I go threw while making a big video!
I don't think script writing is necessary in the slightest. It gives a less natural feel to the video, especially with comedy. Improvisation is always more fun.
I don't think script writing is necessary in the slightest. It gives a less natural feel to the video, especially with comedy. Improvisation is always more fun.

It all depends what videos your doing, if you're vlogging then a script wouldn't be a priority. But if your doing a voice over or animation, then a script is almost mandatory.