Do you upgrade old thumbnails?

I've been thinking about this recently, and I suppose the popularity of the video would determine whether or not I do.
It took about 5 videos to land on a style so I fixed the few others from before to look uniform. I recommend it
If I think it's worth it and the thumbnail has big flaws, I'll update it. If the quality of your thumbnails has improved a lot, updating old thumbnails is a great way to drive some more traffic to old videos over time.
For me, I will replace the thumbnails of my more popular videos (if they need it). Otherwise I just leave them the way they are.
My only exception being if an older video is starting to pick up views again.
I may change the thumbs on the videos from after my reboot, but my older videos can stay the way they are. It all depends on if the videos start getting views.
I don't, but this is actually a pretty cool idea. It could bring some life to your older videos.

Then again, my old videos are getting literally 0 views, as they probably should. So for me it's not an option right now, but thanks for the idea. It's something that I can work on later, you know, when I've got older videos that are actually not terrible l0l
I don't, but this is actually a pretty cool idea. It could bring some life to your older videos.

Then again, my old videos are getting literally 0 views, as they probably should. So for me it's not an option right now, but thanks for the idea. It's something that I can work on later, you know, when I've got older videos that are actually not terrible l0l

Older videos should still get a few views. One of my oldest videos is still my most watched video on the channel. I need to make a proper thumbnail for it.