Do you think "big YouTubers" have a responsibility to "little YouTubers?"

Should bigger YouTubers take the time to help promote smaller YouTubers?

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Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
Do you think that once a channel makes partner and is bringing in a good amount of views, that the host of that channel should have an obligation to help other YouTubers who may be struggling to get views and just want to have their voice heard?

For example; Ray William Johnson has close to 6 million subs (and holds the world record for it), do you think he has an obligation to give back to the community that made him famous by highlighting smaller YouTubers who are just starting out? I'm sure at some point, he was on forums just let this one trying to get people to watch, but now that he is a multi-millionaire, its almost as though hes forgotten his roots. DO you think he should be doing something to give back?

Not just him, but ANYONE who is enjoying a level of success. Do you think they should dedicate some effort into helping out the community as a whole?

Discuss. And vote.
i think it's nice if they would but i guess it really depends on the successful person tho .... same goes in film big name studios don't often promote smaller name ones but when they do that's really nice of them ..same thing goes in the music industry. i think if your content is good and the bigger name people enjoy then naturally they will help promote in some way...and i believe it's like that with all of right now i do help promote small channels then mine but ONLY if i enjoy the content.. so in the end again it's all about making good content and a bit of luck so that the bigger youtubers will find your stuff. that's just my vieiw on it.
like a shout out? probably...
but i highly doubt it, the ego to most popular youtubers will most likely only focus to themselves.
it depends on the person. :p
Certainly if you're a comedian you're not going to promote someone who does makeup tutorials. But if there is a smaller channel who also does comedy and that person comes to you, why not give him a shout out? Its not going to hurt you or take away from your audience.
I see it as a professional football player, alot of it is your hard work, however your hard work was influenced by the supporters, so when you make it to the big league, I feel you have an obligation to a point - EG Personal/specific people that helped you make it.
The obligation to the subscribers/viewers could just be seen as frequently releasing the content that they love, and listening/interacting to them.

The reality there are so many more thousands of channels that aren't big - that if the obligation was promoting back to the smaller ones; it simply wouldn't get done - not to mention people would begin 'selling themselves' to get promoted, which I feel goes against how the youtube community should be.

If I made it big, I would personally support everyone that helped me from the beginning, - but I would THANK and ensure my latter subs/viewers are happy with my content.
I don't think they should have an obligation to do it. It would be pretty cool if they decided to it though.
I don't think they have a responsability, no.

Because at some point they were like us. Working hard to promote, create and produce interesting videos. The majority of them started from scratch as well and they built themselves up.

Imagine RWJ gve someone a shout out. Thats a gauranteed 1-6 million viewers viewing a new channel and they would coast on it, never having to work properly.

No shout outs seperates the men from the boys... So to speak :P