Do you like challenges, tags, vlogs, and clothing haul?

It bugs me when I find a new channel and the whole channel is tags and challenges. However, every so often they're a good way to break up the vlogs with a different kind of content. Just make sure they're not all you do.
It bugs me when I find a new channel and the whole channel is tags and challenges. However, every so often they're a good way to break up the vlogs with a different kind of content. Just make sure they're not all you do.
Well, thanks for the input Gabe :) I'm trying to make my channel into the combo of vlogs (including home tours, follow me everywhere vlogging, and maybe just chatting), challenges, tags, and maybe some tutorials :)
Sounds really interesting and just go for it :-) I also like channels with different kind of videos and try out news things.
I personally love that kind of stuff. I would love to give advice on how to mix in that stuff, but I do all kinds of vids (comedy, reviews, reactions, vlogs, tags) that I'm probably not the best source of advice on that front.
I enjoy watching tags and challenges, but only if the person doing them is interesting/has a personality that makes them different than others. If I feel like I'm just watching the same challenge over and over again, I won't subscribe. I would try and mix them in?